Saturday, August 22, 2015

How Summer 2015 Went for Me Part 2

 I learned about things like the four Ymca core values and child abuse facts. Also, there was a swim day. My Ymca camp and El Camino went to the same swimming pool place, but Northwest went somewhere else. In the place I swam, there was a diving board and a water slide. Also, there was a deep end of the pool, but you had to pass a swim test to go there; I'm pretty sure that it applies to going on the water slide and diving board too. I passed the test and went on the water slide, the deep end of the pool, and the diving board. At first, I was a bit scared to go on the diving board. (Before the swim day, I never had been on a diving board before.) With a help with a few people from camp, I went on the diving board. It had been a good experience, and I hope to try again soon. By the end of the camp, everyone received certificate and a Leader in Training shirt for completing LIT I.

The LIT II camp had five people, but only four showed up. (The one that didn't show up was the one who was "out for medic" in LIT I. I was told by my counselor that she was attending a different summer camp during that week I did LIT II.) Once again, we were combined with El Camino and Northwest and met in the same school as we did in LIT I. All of us got purple folders. Some things I've learned are public speaking tips for teens and including every type of person. Sadly, I got the stomach flu on Wednesday of that week, probably because of the lunch my family and I had four days before that Wednesday. It was my brother who first got it. Then, my dad got it, and then it was me. I returned to LIT II on Thursday, which was the swim day (all LIT II camps go to the same swimming place) for LIT II. My mom suggested that I don't swim that day, just in case if I threw up again. (One symptom of the stomach flu is throwing up.) She decided that I bring a book with me. Friday was popsicle day, but I decided to not get one because I didn't want to throw up. I got a certificate for completing LIT II during the end of the camp.

On the night of the day I completed LIT II, my cousin from Shenzhen, China came to my house to visit for a month. (He left on the night of August 3, the first day of my journalism summer camp.) Two weeks later, my cousins from New Jersey came to my house to visit as well, but they only stayed for a week. (During that week, they also went to Yosemite). It had been almost ten years since I've last seen them, so it was great to see them.

My LIT I folder
August 2 was my brother Anthony's birthday. He turned 4 and had an Angry Bird themed birthday party. There were Angry Bird balloons, napkins, cake, masks, jump house, etc. Some of his friends from his school came. Also, my friend from Fremont and her brother came. Even one of my cousins from San Jose came too; I never expected it because my parents didn't tell me. Anthony received birthday presents from friends and family. With the exception of the card, my present from Anthony was nothing like any of the others; it was digital and created on the app called "Notes."
Anthony had an Angry Birds birthday party
My LIT II folder

During the August 3-7 week, I attended a journalism summer camp (called Camp MAC) at my future high school, which is Palo Alto High School (shortened to Paly). In the camp, there were different groups; I was placed in "The Dish." I was given a pen and a Professional Reporter's Notebook. I saw some recognizable faces from people who are from my middle school, which is JLS. The camp was fun, and I learned types of writings such as fashion and editorial. Not only there was journalism in the camp, there was also activities. One activity I liked was the inverted pyramid challenge. That challenge was placed on my group's magazine cover.

On August 12, it was Jump Start Day for JLS, which was 2-5 P.M. It was also 8th Panther Camp counselor orientation, but alas, I wasn't selected to be counselor even though I did the Panther Camp counselor application. Three days later, I went to my best friend from my elementary school's (the one I went to for the second semester of 3rd to 5th grade, as I moved to Palo Alto in the winter of 2010) house. She got me an Instagram account, we played a game called The Scrambled States of America, and went on her trampoline. It was a lot of fun.
Instagram Logo
Scrambled States of America Game
My notebook in Camp MAC
Magazine for my group, which includes
a piece of all of me and the other people
 in my summer camp's writing
My LIT II certificate
My LIT I certificate

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