Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Character Games Chapter 12

Dorami now had to make a move on the chessboard. She was worried that her move will make her whole team lose.
"C'mon Dorami!" cried Doraemon. "You can do it."
Dorami hesitated. Doraemon's words made her feel more nervous. She grabbed the queen on her side and checkmated the king on Group 61's side.
"Well done," said Doraemon.
"Good," added Alvin.

Doraemon watched the people in front of them move one by one. Even after that checkmate Dorami made, it seems that Group 61 moved the king to somewhere else, he sighed.
"Group 61 must have learned how to play chess even before this game," muttered Peppermint Patty.
"But how?" asked Marcie. "When I played with a Group 61 member in chess, I bet him."
"Just because you bet one Group 61 member in chess, it doesn't mean that you bet everyone in Group 61 in chess," Charlie Brown pointed out.
"I know that Garfield and Jon have exotic moves at chess," exclaimed Doraemon. "When I played chess with them, they seem to win the game in less than 10 minutes."

This is how much money Group 51 made!!!!
After an hour or so, Group 51 was finally able to win, thanks to Garfield and Jon.
"Well done Group 51," replied Harry Potter. "Your group has won $10000000000000.
"Yes!" cried the group. 
The other groups moaned, "That group doesn't deserve it!" they cried.
"Stop!" cried Group 82. "Because of their hard work and effort, they deserve it!"
"Calm down," yelled Harry Potter. "You groups have an opportunity to win in the next Character Games!"
"We'll see about that," said Group 51 smugly.


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