Friday, March 10, 2017

College App Essay Practice: Failing a Biology Honors Test

2. The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
Sometimes, failing can get me to work harder and do my best. For instance, biology honors has been a hard class for me. In fact, on the unit 3 test in biology honors that was about membranes and energy for life, I failed it because I got an F. I got only 40 out of the 96 questions correct, which is a staggering low 41.67%. That was the lowest grade out of 100 students in biology honors who had the same teacher as I did. What’s worse is that 30 students got a grade in the 90% range, and the highest grade was 105.73%, which was more than twice my grade. Now, I have learned that it is important to study a lot for biology honors tests.
I failed the test most likely because I did not try hard to study for it, and I did not realize that high school work was genuinely harder than middle school work. I guess that I did not put much effort to spend some time to study the material in the unit 3 test about membranes and energy for life. Back in middle school, I remember that I did not need to study very much to do well on a test. High school, however, is more demanding than middle school. This is probably why some students study harder than they did back in middle school. In high school, there are more homework and tests. This means that high school has a much busier workload, so I have to study more for tests. Also, the work in high school is considerably more challenging than the work in middle school. Some people transition to high school very easily, but others take more time to adjust to the hectic high school life. Maybe if I was told that high school was way more stressful than middle school and that I had to study more on tests, I would never have gotten a grade that is as wretched as a miserable 41.67% in the hard class called biology honors. It takes more time to get high school work done than middle school work. This means that I have to dedicate more of my time to school. As a result of not studying well enough and not transitioning to the high school workload, I ended up failing a test that most people succeeded on.
I felt disappointed in myself that I got an unexpectedly low grade on the biology honors unit 3 test about membranes and energy for life. When I feel disappointed, I start to have negative thoughts stir up in my brain. My body feels powerless. I feel like it is a burden to be in high school. I wondered why I got a grade that horrible. It was the first time I had actually failed a test very miserably. I have never gotten a grade that bad (41.67%) on tests before. I found it unbelievable and incredible because I never expected that I would actually fail a test. My parents also could not believe it when I told them about it. As a result, my mom decided to start helping me in biology honors. I also felt worried for getting a staggering low grade on the biology honors unit 3 membranes and energy for life test. I do not want a grade extremely low like that 41.67% ever again. This shows that high school is a place to worry about because it is when more people like me fail tests. Feeling worried about biology honors makes me pressured to always do better on future biology honors tests. This means that I have to get better grades in biology honors. Otherwise, my grades will suffer immensely. Clearly, unexpected failing a test that most people did well on makes me feel depressed and worried. This makes me want to do way better on future biology honors tests.
What I learned from failure is that I should spend more time and study more in biology honors. Biology is about memorizing the concepts, but I think it is also about truly understanding them. Truly understanding concepts can make it easier to memorize them. I could try studying more in biology honors by studying everyday or almost every day. Each day, I could study for 30 to 45 minutes by finding the time to study and by having better time management. To study effectively in biology honors, it is important to work harder and concentrate and be free of distractions. What I also learned from failure is that it makes me motivated to improve by studying. Buster Moon, the koala from the movie “Sing,” said that “When you’ve reached rock bottom, there’s only one way to go, and that’s up!” This shows that while I may not instantly get good grades in biology honors by studying, I can prevent myself from getting a 41.67% or any other hideous grade like that. Failure should be remembered, but there are usually ways to prevent failure from happening. Failure helps people learn from the mistakes they have made.

To be a successful student in biology honors, it is essential to study more. Failing a test was the result of not studying enough and not realizing that high school work is much harder than middle school work. I feel disappointed and worried if I do not do well on tests, leading me to want to do better on future biology tests. Managing my time better and truly understanding concepts will make me a better biology honors student. Because of what I learned from failing this biology honors test, I feel prepared for later success.

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