Saturday, December 3, 2016

How A Good Teacher Should Be

Now that I'm in high school, I've noticed that a few of my teachers aren't very good.

Here are the main points on how a good teacher should be:

  • A good teacher should be nice and care about his/her students. If not, then his/her students will feel neglected by him/her. The students will also feel that the teacher isn't a moral person.
  • A good teacher should have a plan of what to do each class, and he/she should tell students what they'll do next class, or have an assignment sheet posted online (like my math teacher has this year). Two days ago, I was really upset that my PE teacher made me and my PE classmates run the mile because I can't believe that she didn't tell us before (which is why I got an 8:55). If she did tell us before, then I would surely be more prepared for the mile.
  • A good teacher would give out reasonable homework. In my science class, my science teacher gives out homework that will be about what will happen in the next class. This isn't good because I feel like I have to self-learn all these science topics, but I'm bad at self-learning. As a result, my science grade is horrible.
  • A good teacher should be reasonable. I don't like the fact that my PE teacher makes me and my PE classmates run two laps around the track in under 4 minutes and 30 seconds (but she used to say 5 minutes). I feel like that it isn't reasonable to run every PE class because other parts of physical fitness, like flexibility and coordination, are important too.
  • A good teacher should give out reasonable criticism. If a teacher gives out criticism to a student who actually can't do anything to fix it, then the student could show hatred towards his/her teacher.
  • A good teacher should have common sense. My mom and I don't like that my science teacher gives out tests but then collects them after viewing them for a while because my mom doesn't feel that I'm learning from my mistakes I made on my science tests. 
In conclusion, these are my main points on how a good teacher should be.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Guess My Animal

This animal is very heavy, ever since it was born. Its size can be as small as a child, or about as big as the average height of a human being. Its head is round and big. It has a good sense of smell. It walks on four legs. Its claws are sharp. It has a short tail. Its eyes are not very easy to see. It has a triangular-shaped nose.  It has strong teeth, and a few of them are sharp. It has soft fur. Don't, however, try to stroke it because it is quite shy. Fortunately, it won't bite a person unless if that person do something mean to it. It can be found mainly in forests or zoos. It has small round ears. It usually is a loner. The camouflage of this animal is very effective. It is very good at climbing trees. It can even swim. It can make many different noises.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Travel Log for This Summer: Salt Lake City, Utah

Georgio2: Website

On July 24, 1847, Brigham Young and his pioneers discovered Salt Lake City, Utah. These pioneers wanted to practice their religion there. The city center is currently called Temple Square. The Salt Lake Temple had begun to be made in 1853, but because of the limited transportation for the materials to build the temple and making the temple perfect and sturdy, the building was completed 40 years later. During the 1960s, a place in temple square made a shopping center, so the business could thrive in temple square. Temple Square is the most historic place in Utah.

In Salt Lake City, Utah, I went to temple square. Temple square has many churches, and it even rained on the day I was there. In temple square, I attended a tour. One part of the tour was about watching the video that shows the family values of mormons. I also went to the Salt Lake Temple. The ceilings are high. If any normal sized human being jumped as high as gravity would let them in the temple, then they would still not touch the ceiling. There are many benches to sit, for which I believe that they are made out of wood. I listened to the what the people who led the tour explain the temple in Chinese and English. (For the tours around temple square, there were many languages offered.) Overall, Salt Lake City's temple square is very interesting to me.

The inn I stayed in Salt Lake City (called Crystal Inn), had WiFi. As a result, I could use Instagram. There was even a swimming pool, so I went swimming there. 

You should go to Salt Lake City, Utah by plane.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Travel Log for This Summer: Grand Teton National Park

Daniel Mayer: Website

Grand Teton, named after the big breast-like mountains, has an alpine scenery. The first Anglo-American man to view its peaks was John Colter, in 1807. It was created on February 26, 1929, and is 309,993 acres.

Grand Teton is a national park next to Yellowstone that is really wild. There are many mosquitos and other bugs. I really despise bugs because I get bug bites really often during bug season. As a result, when me, my family, and some members of my extended family got out of our vehicles to see some of the Grand Teton scenery, I stayed in the car most of the time because I was bothered by the swarm of mosquitos. Grand Teton is a national park for people who don't easily get bothered by mosquitos.

Grand Teton is not very advanced in technology. In the cabin I stayed in between Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks, there had been no WiFi at all. In the lobby for the cabins between Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks, however, there is really horrible WiFi. I tried going on Instagram a few times, but there was no Internet connection. As a result, Grand Teton isn't such a modernized place.

If you want to go to Grand Teton directly, you'll have to go there by plane. If you want to go to Grand Teton after visiting Yellowstone, however, you can just drive there.

Overall, I think that Grand Teton isn't as good as Yellowstone. It was a fine experience, though.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Travel Log for This Summer: Yellowstone National Park

Rickymgb: Website

Yellowstone National Park was the first national park of the United States, established in March 1, 1872. The park has 3,468 square miles. There are lakes, canyons, rivers, mountain ranges, and tons of wildlife. There is a super volcano below Yellowstone Lake that causes large amounts of geothermic activity. There are more than 300 geysers (such as Old Faithful and Steamboat Springs (the tallest geyser in the world) as well as hot springs, mud pots, and fumaroles.

Yellowstone has wildlife you most likely won’t see normally. During my trip to Yellowstone, one of the most unique animals I saw were bison. I posted a picture of bison on Instagram. Even though they may look like they are in peace, bison will become aggressive when you get too near them. They are brown furred mammals with horns that are pretty big, taller than the average human being and even a car. They have huge heads and massive shoulders. They weigh 1000 to 2000 pounds. Bison are usually found in herds. During my 2 days in Yellowstone, I probably saw 100 bison. Because of the bison, Yellowstone is special.

Yellowstone has a lot of nature. One of the main things contributing to the nature are the geysers. I stopped by for a while to see them. I posted a picture of one of the geysers and again posted it on Instagram. Geysers are hot, so don't go near them. 20 visitors have died because of being burned by geysers. Yellowstone has nature, but even nature has its tradeoffs.

Yellowstone isn’t a very modernized place. The residential area has wooden cabins instead of hotels. In the national park itself, there's no WiFi. Luckily, there was WiFi in the cabin I stayed in (so I was able to post some of my Yellowstone pictures on Instagram). Yellowstone is not the ideal place to go to if you really like modern technology. Clearly, Yellowstone is a place that doesn’t interest everyone.

The best way to get to Yellowstone is first by plane. Then, to get to the national park itself, you'll need to drive there.

All together, for me, going to Yellowstone has been a good experience.

Monday, July 4, 2016

One of My Passions

Chris Willis: Website

One of my passions is dancing. Although I don’t take dance classes anymore, I still really enjoy dancing. I am even planning to take some dance summer camps this summer to continue pursuing my passion of dance. Dancing is very special because it is one of the few things out there that can be both a sport (because dance makes people more fit) and an art. It also has many benefits, such as releasing stress, and helping gain confidence in front of others.

Dancing is a form of exercise, so don’t say that dancing isn’t a sport. In fact, dancing makes you in shape, lean, stronger, agile, balanced, coordinated, and flexible, so it is a great workout. You see, these are qualities that athletes need to be successful. In that way, injuries, back pain, and balance problems can be more likely to be avoided. Dance has great health benefits, and there are even dance teams (like there are sports teams). Dancing is quite competitive after all (awards are given to the winners), which is a quality in other sports as well. According to the author of the article “Glossary of Human Anatomy Terms,” a dancer’s core involves a balance of stability and strength between the abdominal muscles, the back muscles, the pelvic floor muscles, and the diaphragm. As a result, dancers have good posture, better muscle tone, relief from back pain, and an increase in stamina. In addition to making you stronger, dance is also a form of aerobic exercise, so it is vigorous enough to elevate heart and breathing rates. As a result, the cardiovascular system is improved. You also burn a lot of calories when you dance. For instance, according to a picture on Pinterest about Dance vs Calories in 1 hour, jazz dance burns 500 calories in one hour and both tap dance and ballet burn 450 calories in an hour. According to an article called “How Does Dance Affect the Body” by Tammy Dray (who specializes in topics such as health and wellness, has credits in various publications, certified personal trainer, and nutrition consultant), dancing on a regular basis can help lose weight as much as other forms of exercise would. This prevents obesity from happening.

Dancing is also a form of art, visual arts to be specific. I like many things from the arts. Dance is an art movement of the body, consisting of many different sequences of steps and is played with music. Dancers move rhythmically to the music. According to the eBook Dance and the Lived Body: A Descriptive Aesthetics by Sondra Horton Fraleigh, “the movements in dances have aesthetic and symbolic value”(Horton 49). Because it uses choreography, dances tell stories that don’t involve using the mouth, which is just like any type of art. Art is self-expression, so dancing allows me to express myself. Through the choreography and facial expressions of a dancer, the dancer can completely change his/herself into another character. This, I feel, is quite similar to theater, which is also an art. (Like dance, theater is a visual art.) Not only is dance an art, it also has a lot in common with other types of arts.

Dance releases strong emotions, such as anger and stress. Ofelia de la Valette, a woman with a passion of dancing, said that “Dancing is like taking a mini vacation from the stress of the everyday - you have to be in the moment.” Depression is diminished when dancing because it makes people let go of everyday problems and just be themselves, thus making people more relaxed and not worry about anything. According to a 2008 study in the American Journal of Health Education, dance was found to increase life satisfaction. In that way, people can have happier lives when dancing. Dancing makes you feel free, as it is expressing your true feelings and inner self, so it is a hobby for enjoyment. This is great for the body and mind because it helps refreshes brain function. You have to be focused on your dance moves to make sure that they are accurate. As a result, dancers are more attentive and focused. When there is less stress, there is more happiness. People prefer seeing happy faces rather than angry (or any other frown and/or bored) faces, and dance is a great exercise that can be enjoyed by people. Dance relaxes people mentally and physically, which is why tenseness goes away. People can just be themselves and be calm.

Dance can also help gain confidence, making dancers more happy and satisfied.
For example, I remember dancing in the middle of the whole eighth graders (they formed a circle, and there are people in the middle who show off their dance moves) who were at the dance called The Black Light Dance on Friday, February 19, 2016 in the middle school I went to known as JLS Middle School (this had been during the eighth grade extra half hour of the dance). I did many different dance moves. People applauded and “ey’d” when I had been dancing. Some people even complimented me, saying that I was a good dancer. Dancing made me feel free, and helped me express my dance self. Now, people know a bit more about my dancing. I had really happy feelings when the dance ended. That dance resulted me in gaining more confidence in front of others. It’s clear that dance helps gain confidence. Once you are confident, you can do many dance moves with a smile on your face without looking at your feet the whole time. The more confident you are, the more applause and praises you will receive when doing your dance moves. This also increases the satisfaction of the dancer. Clearly, dancers are more happy and satisfied.

I hope to once again take dance classes some day (hopefully when I am a sophomore in my high school because I’m pretty sure that that will be the time that I can choose to take dance instead of an actual P.E. class and/or take dance classes in a dance studio). Dancing is an exercise, a sport, a form of art, a stress reliever, and a confidence gainer. It’s no doubt that Meghan Trainor’s song “Better When I’m Dancing” (a song from The Peanuts Movie) is true to me and many other people out there because “we can do this together,” as people can dance together. Dancing really pays off, and anyone can dance. Dancing brings people together, and you can make a lot of friends by signing up for dance classes. Dance captivates people everywhere because you can dance almost everywhere and at any time.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Product Pitch

Hey everyone!
Take a look at a new "product" here that I want it to be made! Feel free to add comments!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

All Middle School Students in California Should Not Be Required to Take a Computer Programming Class

Ministryof. "Hassanhelash.jpg." Photo.
Wikimedia Commons, 5 May 2015. Web. 16 Apr. 2016.
Steve Wozniak said, “Our first computers were born not out of greed or ego, but in the revolutionary spirit of helping common people rise above the most powerful institutions.” Computers are now incorporated in people’s daily lives. They have many different purposes, such as emailing family and friends, making websites, and computer programming. Even middle schools have computer programming electives. Some people say that computer programming is essential, but I think that all middle school students in California should not be required to take a computer programming class because not everyone is into computer programming, it is hard to memorize all of the computer programming coding concepts, and not every occupation involves computer programming skills.

First of all, computer programming is not every California middle school student’s interest. Some like creative writing, while others are into theater. In my school, there is only one period for computer programming, however, there are three or more electives in the art field. This means that computer programming is not a very popular elective to take. According to a graph on the website by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics, and Statistics Administration, on average, home computer access and home computer use has increased. However, only 78.5 percent of middle schoolers have computer access at home, and home internet use is 57.1 percent. Although many middle school students have a computer at home, they do not necessarily want to know what happens behind all the making of a website. It is clear that computer programming may be the future, but the future is still far away.

Then, it is hard to memorize the computer programming coding concepts. For example, why is a color’s name represented in something like #ffffff? Why doesn’t computer programming use the actual name of the color? In my experience, when I was in the Computer wheel during sixth grade, I remembered asking the teacher questions when doing computer programming. Computer programming is not for me. Clearly, computer programming is not for everyone. According to the article “Why is Coding So Hard?” from the website, finding tutorials on how to code just will not be enough to learn to computer programming. It takes up a lot of time to be a professional computer programmer. If middle school students are required to take a computer programming class, then the time is wasted if a student is not into it. Computer programming is basically learning a new language.

 Finally, not every occupation will involve computer programming skills. For instance, athletes do not need those skills. All they do is to just play their sport and compete against other teams. This means that computer programming is not for every occupation. According to the article “21 Jobs in Tech You Don’t Need a Computer Science Degree For” from the website by Kelly Orrela, there are many jobs that do not require a computer programming degree, like a digital marketing specialist or a business development manager. It just does not feel right for computer programming to be taught in middle school, as even a digital marketing specialist does not need those skills. The future may be about computer programming, however, there will still be jobs that do not involve computer programming coding concepts.

In conclusion, Middle school students in California should not be required to take a computer programming class. It is not everyone’s interest, as the making of a website can be boring. The computer programming coding concepts are not easy to remember, and it takes up a lot of time. Finally, not all occupations involve computer programming, such as a fashion designer, acrobat, and janitor. People may use computers every day, but that does not mean that they have to take a computer programming class during middle school. Even though Steve Wozniak says that computers rise above the most powerful institutions, it does not mean that computers are the most important thing we have as an everyday object.