Saturday, January 25, 2014

My Movie Survey

Hi! It's been quite a while. I've decided to make a survey on Google Form. It's about which future movie title(s) you like best. I'd like to make the movie with the most votes. The titles I thought of came from my head, from books I've read, and even from blogs I have made.

Here is the movie titles survey form: .

I hope you enjoy it!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Honor Band

Congradulations! I got into Honor Band. Honor Band started at 3:35 p.m. yesterday. Honor Band is something my school does and is for sixth graders from all of the middle schools in the city I live in (Palo Alto, CA). To get into Honor Band, there is an audition. In the audition, you have to play a few music sentences, and clap one music sentence. In Honor Band, the people there play more complicated music pieces than they do in their regular music classes. It is good because you probably can learn new notes in a complicated song. According to a music puzzle I solved, it can also improve my skills in math and science.
Music puzzle example

Overall, I think Honor Band is good.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Anthony's New Song

My brother Anthony has became even weirder. Why? Because he made a song. The song is a parody of Jingle Bells. It goes like this: "Jingle Nails, Jingle Nails, Jingle (d)all de/the Nay." I was laughing at the song because it was so weird. He can sing "Jingle Bells" the right way, but it mostly ends up being "Jingle Nails."

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Laundry Robot

Before washing machines, people had to walk miles and miles with their dirty clothes until they can find a river because there was no tap water. Washing clothing was labor consuming; people spent half of their time washing clothes. They couldn't really do other things. People were annoyed.

Later on, someone invented the washing machine and the dryer for clothing. The washing machine was easy to use: you just need to put all of the dirty clothes into the washing machine. The dryer? Not all clothes can go into the dryer because of their material. It's so annoying that you need to sort out the ones that can and can't go into the dryer. With annoyance putting clothes that can and can't go into the laundry, it is time consuming. What do you think?

Because of this, I've decided to make a robot called, "The Laundry Robot." The Laundry Robot sorts all of the clothes that can and can't go into the dryer. If the clothing can go into the laundry, then the laundry robot puts it into the dryer. If the clothing can't go in the dryer, you stop the robot, and put the clothing where you want it to be. The robot has "eyes," so the robot will put the clothing on the clothes hanger with its hook.
The Laundry Robot

To make things even better, the robot can dump all of the clothes in the laundry. That, however, is only if you stick the laundry basket to the robot's back, and the robot knows that you put it on its back because the robot can hear. When the dryer is finished, put the basket on the robot's back, get your clothes, and put the clothes on the robot's back, where the laundry basket is. 

The only problem is: how does the robot put your dried clothes to the right space? I am not exactly sure how to solve that problem. The robot might know because it has "eyes," and when you open your drawer, the robot knows where the clothes go. It can only work if you put your clothes in a organized way because it might misplace your clothes. The laundry robot also has an indoor GPS; it will turn on when you turn the robot on. It will know where you put your clothes. When it sees the clothing, the robot will do the rest. Do you have any other ideas?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Character Games Chapter 9

"It's a brand new day," replied Alvin. "New activities, new people."
"Which room do we have to go first?" asked Doraemon.
"Well, we first have to go to room 851," answered Alvin.
"Cool," said Dorami.

In room 851, Group 51 had to now play with groups 1 and 4. The three groups played a game called, "All it."
"Yes!" cried Alvin. "We're all fast runners."
"What if those other groups also had fast runners?" wondered Doraemon.
"Yeah, and what if they're faster than us?" added Dorami.
"GO!" interrupted the judge of the game. "When you get tagged, you're out!"
All members from the groups ran as wildly as hogs. Doraemon was one of the first that got tagged, and his tagger pushed Doraemon to another person.
"Hey! That's not nice!" hollered the person.
"Sorry Hello Kitty, but the person who tagged me pushed me," yelled Doraemon.
"Sorry blue cat," smirked Doraemon's tagger.
"Keep an eye on people next time," warned Hello Kitty glaring at Doraemon coldly.
These people are so mean. Hello Kitty is the one that should keep an eye on people and move away, thought Doraemon angrily. Even my little sister isn't out.

"You are so mean!" sniffed Dorami to her tagger. "You shouldn't push people just because you tagged them."
"The judge didn't say you can't push. Once you're tagged, you're OUT!" snickered Dorami's tagger.
Gosh, I wish this is chaos tag. Don't worry, most of my group members aren't out yet. I wonder how the others are doing. I see Alvin, Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and Garfield doing well- wait Snoopy just got out! thought Dorami.

"Yes!" cried Alvin. "I tagged a group 1 member and a group 4 member at the same time."
"Wow," said his brothers, Theodore and Simon. "I hope you tag more people."
"Don't worry, I will," replied Alvin confidently.

Alvin furiously tagged more and more people, and he ended up winning.
"Well done Alvin," remarked the judge. "You're a fast runner."
"Yeah. You should do running races in the 2016 olympic games at Rio," added Lucy.
"I don't think I'm that good at running, but thanks for the advice," laughed Alvin.
"Any time," grinned Lucy.
Group 51 played "All it," a game in which everyone is it.

My Opinion About Math

Math is my favorite subject. However, even though it is my favorite subject, it can be very hard sometimes. Math is hard when you have to deal with hard algebra because all of these variables make it confusing. Binomials are also hard when you simplify and know which equation you should use. Yesterday, I couldn't understand this binomial problem on a math sheet. It took a long time to pass that problem and get to the next one. Easy math is math that is a piece of cake, and when you learn it, you don't need to learn it anymore. Medium math is math that isn't as easy as easy math, but it is easier than hard math. Math is hardness followed by easiness.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Character Games Chapter 8

 Group 51 went to room 62 and played "The Noise" with groups 41 and 92. The judge told the three groups that each group had to yell, "Happy New Year!" as loud as they can. The judge will then measure how many decibels the noise was. Unsurprisingly, Group 51 was the loudest and they won.
We're loud, thought both Dorami and Doraemon.

"We now have to go to room 728," said Alvin. "In that activity, we, Group 51 will be playing with group 29 in a game called, "Speedy Runner."
When the group arrived at the assigned room, the judge was there, and he told the groups the rules.
"10 people from each group will run. While these people run, one person from each group will spill confetti. When the confetti touches the runner more than 20 times, the runner is disqualified," explained the judge. "Whoever gets to the finish line first, you win. When you win, you move on." After the game, Group 51 won once more, even though Group 29 had more players that were not disqualified.
"Wow. That game was hard," remarked Doraemon.

"The Character Games have come to an end today earlier. I mentioned this yesterday, but I was worried that some of you may have forgotten. However, the games will resume tomorrow. The remaining groups are: 1, 4, 15, 19, 27, 42, 49, 51, 33, 84, 99, 100, 58, 61, and 95," said Harry Potter. "I will see you tomorrow. We will be following a normal schedule."

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Character Games Chapter 7

"Happy New Year!" cried Dorami.
"Hey," said Doraemon. "Let's go and find our group."
"Sure. I'm positive that we're meeting at the humongous rhombus," she replied.

Dorami was right. Group 51 was at the edge of humongous rhombus with Alvin in his "A jacket" waving a flag with the number 51.
"Very unexpected,"remarked Doraemon.
"Hey Doraemon and Dorami," called Alvin.

Alvin holds his group's flag

"Hi," they answered.

When the rest of the group arrived at the edge of the rhombus, Alvin told his group that they will first going to room 341. His group arrived at the room minutes later. Group 51 played, "Confetti Ball" with groups 81, 60, and 99. The groups were then told the rules: to make a ball out of confetti in 15 minutes. The game was easy for Group 51, and they won. The judge then told the winning group to go to room 62, which they did without complaints.