Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Character Games Chapter 6

"So, where do we go next?" asked Dorami.
"Well group, we will be going to room 510," answered Alvin.
"Let's go!" called Doraemon.

Group 51 got to room 510 and played "make new year music" with groups 59 and 17.
"Groups, we are playing this game because today is New Year's Eve, so I thought you'd like it," said the judge of the activity. "Whoever makes the best music wins. To win, you must make music that sounds good, has good rhythm, AND has to be New Year music."
"How does New Year music sound like?" questioned a Group 59 member.
"Well, it sounds like celebration," answered the judge. "When I say,"go," you will begin. You will have 55 minutes. GO!"
The groups started.
"What should we do for celebration music?" asked Charlie Brown.
"I was thinking about the song, "Jump." When I hear it, it sounds like celebration music," commented Alvin.

After the activity, Group 51 won.
"The other groups' songs sound like sorrow," whispered Doraemon.
"I know, right?" said Dorami.

"Because today is New Year's Eve, the Character Games will stop at lunch today and tomorrow," said President Harry Potter. "However, we will have a party tonight at 7p.m. to 12:15 a.m. You can go if you want. If you don't go, then you will have to have it made up by tomorrow at 12:00 p.m."
"I'm going," replied Doraemon excitedly.
"Also, the remaining groups are 1, 4, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 24, 27, 29, 33, 41, 42, 45, 49, 51, 58, 60, 61, 72, 74, 77, 78, 81, 84, 85, 91, 92, 95, 96, 99, and 100," continued President Harry Potter. Wish those groups good luck."

Monday, December 30, 2013

Big Changes on Netflix

Many people use Netflix worldwide. When people watch Netflix, they're ready to get the popcorn, potato chips, drinks, and other food. However, if you use Netflix, then you should read this post because this is something very important about Netflix.

This can be strange for a Netflix viewer, but Netflix is removing more than 80 popular movies and T.V. shows on January 1, 2014. Even though the popular movies aren't on Netflix, you can still see those movies on the Netflix DVD, but only if you installed the DVD. Although this famous service will remove 80+ movies and T.V. shows, it will be adding 70 more T.V. shows and movies in return.

Today, I learned that Netflix movies expire, but why on Jan 1 when more than 80 movies will not be on the service? Jan 1 is a beginning of a new year, not something sad. People are probably watching as the movies they like on Netflix, because of the 80+ movies expiring like T.V. shows like Mr. Bean, and movies shows like Titanic, Pumpkin Head, Lionheart, and Flash dance.

It probably isn't a good idea to remove well-known movies, but if Netflix downloads movies and don't delete old ones, there will be too many movies, and Netflix viewers can't see them all. Some movies are just too classical and old, so Netflix removes those movies and T.V. shows. Netflix downloads videos, and later on deletes them, but puts new movies in, so it shouldn't be too bad. I might cancel Netflix because Flash dance will expire and my family really likes Flash dance.

Overall, if Netflix wants to delete videos, then the deleted videos must be old and not so popular ones, not new ones and good old movies. However, if people really like that movie or T.V. show, then Netflix probably will still delete it because some other Netflix viewers may not like it. By the ways, if Netflix downloads new videos, and viewers like it, and if they like that video better than the deleted one, then that's a good thing. People usually want to watch good movies and T.V. shows, not bad ones. If you really want to see an amazing movie and T.V. show that expires in two days, you better watch it now!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Why is 2013 the driest year in California History?

Strangely, California's reservoirs still have not ran out of water yet even though 2013 is the driest year in California. Hence, people in California will have to use less water than usual. Some people think that 2014 will be an El Nino year, but some people think that 2014 will also be a dry year. Multi- dry years have occurred in California, but Californians don't exactly know for sure. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, almost all of California is in a drought.

With 2013 being dry, dryness of an area can increase the chance of a fire. Remember the Yosemite Fire and the Diablo Fire? Numerous firefighters had to take charge to burn the fires down. Although California is nearing the time where there a lot of rainfalls occur, the rain still may be heavy, but possibly not as heavy as average.

We can stop this from happening if people are willing to buy Tesla cars and Smart cars. These cars use electricity for power, so there is less chance for pollution to occur. People should also be using less water than normal, until a huge amount of rainfall occurs and fills up the reservoirs in California.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Character Games Chapter 5

The next day, Doraemon was woken up by Dorami.
"Dorami, what the-" sputtered Doraemon.
"MORNING EXERCISES!" hollered Dorami.
"I'm hungry," complained Doraemon.
"So am I. Now, get up," she commanded, "NOW!"
"Guys, what's going on?! You should be prepared for the Character Games," snapped Doraemon's father who had sneaked in.
"Sorry," said Dorami.
"Now, eat and do exercises," snarled Doraemon's father who walked out of his daughter and son's room.
"Okay," replied Doraemon angrily.

"Hi guys!" cried Alvin to his group. "President Harry Potter told me that today, we will be going to room 343 first."
"Isn't that the CRC room on school days?" wondered Brittany.
"It was, and we're playing a computer game, I think," answered her sister, Eleanor.
"She's actually right," says Alvin. "We're playing the 'How many Letters can you Type Game,'" replied Alvin.
 Group 51 arrived at room 343 playing against groups 79, 2, 52, 9, 3, 8, 7, 6, and 10.
"When do we stop?" asked Garfield.
"We stop at 10 minutes, " answered the judge. "Do some Groups not know the rules? Well, here they are. One member from each group is sent to type letters. Whoever types the most letters wins."
When the game finished, Group 51 creamed the other 9 groups flatly.
"Wow, I never knew that we won," cried Doraemon. "Another TKO."

Friday, December 27, 2013

The Character Games Chapter 4

Group 51 now had to go to room 32 to play Dodgeball with Group 39, Group 46, and Group 48.
"They should call it 4-way Dodgeball because there are four groups playing against each other," commented Garfield.
"Too bad, it's not 'smart one,'" murmured Doraemon.
As the four groups played, Group 51 was nearly losing.
"Guys, throw harder, dodge, and outsmart the other groups!" yelled Alvin.
"If we lose this, we'll be disqualified," wailed Dorami.
"We may not win the Character Games at all," thought Doraemon.
Group 51 listened to their leader's advice. In the end of the game Group 39 and Group 51 were tied.
"We're the tiebreaker," thought Doraemon. "Group 51 can break the tie."
"We can do it! We can beat those nunchucks!" hollered Alvin.
"Excuse me, but what did you call us?" asked one of the Group 39 members defensively.
Alvin ignored the Group 39 member and yelled, "Rematch!"
The remaining two groups rematched, and unsurprisingly, Group 51 won.
"Technical knockout!" hollered Doraemon. "TKO."
"You see, Group 51 is so vain," complained a Group 46 member. Group 51 ignored the Group 46 insulter.
"Let's go to the activity we need to go next," called Doraemon to Group 51. "And win that activity."
"Watch out for Group 61," whispered a Group 48 member. "They might cream you."

Room 777 was the room that Group 51 had to go to next after room 32.
"Let's go!" cried Alvin. "We don't want people to wait for a group for a long time, right?"
"Um no, we don't," stammered the group.
"Well then Group 51, let's do more walking and less chit-chatting," called Alvin.
In room 777, the group had to play Wii Sports with Groups 11, 87, and 93. The groups had to play 3 out of the 5 games because the 3 sports allowed all of the groups to play. The groups had to play 1 of the 3 sports. The groups debated which sport they wanted to play, and they eventually played golf.
Groups 93 and 87 got beaten up first, which made Groups 11 and 51 rematch. Minutes later, Group 51 won.
"What do you think you're here for?" snarled the three, defeated groups.
"Well duh, we're here to win, what else?" answered Alvin.
"We still have more than 50 groups to beat," added Doraemon.
The three groups stook their tongues out at the winner group.

"The games are over today," said Harry Potter sadly. "However tomorrow, the games will resume. Be sure to be prepared."

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The IQ Puzzle

I have this puzzle at home. In the IQ Puzzle, there are 8 pieces. My brother scrambled the puzzle today, so I want to put it back together again. It took me a while to put them together, but I ended up solving the puzzle.  

In the IQ puzzle, all of the pieces fit on a square. I tried seeing what pieces fit together. If the puzzle pieces don't fit, I try to put them together in another way, or get a new puzzle piece. When the puzzle pieces fit, I get another puzzle piece.

However, even if the puzzles fit, you might have to take them out because the rest of the puzzle pieces might not fit perfectly. For example, some puzzle pieces are too big, some too small, some can fit in a limited space, but there are still small areas where the puzzle doesn't fit. Try to remember what you did before if the puzzle doesn't fit and try again.

On one of my attempts on trying to put the puzzle pieces together, almost all of the puzzle pieces fit, except one. I then had to redo the puzzle and think again. I also got pretty tired, so I had to stretch. I got slightly frustrated and confused on why solving this puzzle is too challenging.

After a few more attempts, I was able to solve the puzzle. Solving an IQ puzzle like this is challenging, but it probably improves your IQ because it probably has something to do with logic, observation, and memory. Next time, if my brother ever destroys the IQ puzzle again, I should draw the puzzle pieces on the paper, so I don't have to make numerous attempts.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Character Games Chapter 3

"Hey, we might win this," commented Doraemon.
"Don't be so sure, neophyte," growled a Group 89 member.
"We, Group 51 learn quickly," protested Dorami.
"If you say so," warned another Group 89 member.
"Let's do this," replied Doraemon confidently.
After the game, Group 51 won by one point.
"We won!" cried Dorami.
"It's just one point, and we're disqualified," moaned a Group 89 member.
"Lunch Break!" yelled Harry Potter over the public speaker.
"Uh-oh," groaned Doraemon.
"Once we've finished eating, we can defeat the rest of the groups quick as a flash," said Alvin cheerfully.
"Yay," muttered Dorami.

After Group 51 finished eating lunch, they went to room 551. In the room, the group played Guess My Number up to 1,000 with groups 31 and 76. In one game, Group 51 had beaten both groups 31 and 76.
"We are invincible," thought Doraemon. "Maybe my group will win after all."

Group 51's next assigned room was room 49. The group had to play telephone with Group 12.
"I love this game," exclaimed Doraemon.
"Me too," said Dorami.
"I hope we win," whispered Charlie Brown.
"Don't worry, we can beat them," added Lucy.
As they played, the words were, "Big brass."
When the words were spreaded across the two lines, Group 51 got "Fig mass," and Group 12 got "Rig cast."
"Sorry Group 12, but Group 51 was much closer," said the judge.
"Yes! We won," yelled Doraemon.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Character Games Chapter 2

"Yeah right neophyte," sneered a Group 44 member called Nikki.
"Don't listen to them! We will now find out who is the real neophyte," replied Doraemon.
"Why don't we play?" suggested a Group 56 member.
"Ok, let's play," replied Doraemon.

After the first game, there was a tie between Group 44 and Group 51.
"Doraemon, let's do this," whispered Dorami excitedly.
However after the second game, there again was a tie.

Doraemon, one of the main characters.
This is what they played in this chapter.
And again. Until.......
"Who can ring in real fast?" asked Alvin.
"I'll try," replied Linus nervously.
"No, I'll try," snapped Lucy aggressively.
"Can you do it Lucy?" asked Alvin.
"Yes I can," answered Lucy vigorously.
"If you say so," said Schroeder and Linus in a stern voice.
With Lucy ringing in fast, Group 51 was able to get almost all of the questions of the songs right.
"We did it! We did it!" cried Doraemon. "We did it!"
"Nice try. We'll beat you next year," warned Chloe, a member from Group 44.
Doraemon chuckled. "We'll see about that, Chloe."
Chloe just gave a mad face at Group 51. The rest of her group did too.
Before Group 51 could reach to Harry Potter's office, Harry Potter publicly announced, "We are about to wrap up the Character Games today. I will see you tomorrow."
"Awww," whined Doraemon.
"Why?" wailed Dorami.
"We will play tomorrow," said Alvin. "Be prepared."

On the next morning, Group 51 had to go to room 666.
"Ohh, that room is very far," commented Brittany, a chipmunk of Group 51.
"We better get going," replied Alvin. "We don't want to be late."

When they got to room 666, Group 51 had to play ping-pong with Group 57.
"Good news, almost all of us knows how to play ping-pong," said Alvin.
After the game, the two groups were tied. When they played the next game, Group 51 bet Group 57.
"Now we know that we must challenge you next time," snarled a Group 57 member.
"Yes, we must and we shall," added another Group 57 member.
"I don't think that there will be a 'next time,'" whispered Doraemon to Dorami.

Next, Group 51 was assigned to go to room 448.
When they arrived at the room, Group 51 was assigned to play Balloon Soccer Ball against Group 82.
"We never played this before,"complained Lucy.
"The rules are simple Lucy. You have to blow the balloon to the opposer's goal and you get a point," replied a Group 82 member.
"Thanks Jessie," grinned Lucy.
"This will be easy," said Doraemon.
As the two groups played, people were often bumping each other.
"Why don't we take turns," suggested Arnold, a Group 82 member.
"That's a great idea!" cried Alvin.
Arnold's advice was successful and Group 51 was able to beat them up.
"You people catch on quickly, do you?" asked Jessie.
"Yes we do," said Marcie.

Group 51 was then assigned to go to room 63 which the group played against Group 63 and Group 89 in quadball.
"I hate sports," grumbled Peppermint Patty. "I almost always lose."
"I think these people from Group 63 and Group 89 are good at it," added Doraemon.
"Actually, we're also not good blue cat," said a Group 63 member. That made Doraemon feel a little bit better.
When the groups played, Group 89 was vigorously stealing the ball away from the other two groups.
"Lousy showoff," muttered Dorami.
After the game, Groups 89 and 51 are tied.

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Character Games Chapter 1

Doraemon woke up. He put on his clothes for his big day. He did his morning exercises.
"Hey Doraemon, I'm excited for the Character Games. What about you?"asked his sister Dorami.
"Yeah, excited." Doraemon mumbled.
"I hope we win this time," says Dorami with excitement.
"Yeah, excited,"thought Doraemon. Last year, his team, Group 51, had been routed by Group 44 and Group 61. However, this year, he was determined to get his revenge.

Doraemon walked with his Group to the humongous center rhombus, where they meet for the Character Games and other events.
"I hope we win," says his group member Garfield.
"Yeah. Hey, how is your comics going?"asked another of Doraemon's group member called Snoopy.
"Fine. What about yours?"
"Pretty good."replied Snoopy.

The president, called Harry Potter, stood on the center of the rhombus.
"Good morning characters from movies and books. We are about to begin the 89th character games. If you are new to the character games, then here are the rules. Each group will be given a number, which the room you go to. In each room, there is an activity. The winner's group gets to move on. The loser group will be disqualified until the next games. The winner group then gets another number, which will be their room number. Again, the winner's group moves on, and the loser group is disqualified. If there is a tie, there will be a rematch, and points from the previous game are not deducted. The groups will play until there is a winner. The annual winner gets $10000000000000. Let the games begin!"
Harry Potter called the group numbers one by one. When he called Group 51, Doraemon was determined to win this. Group 51 got the room number: 111.
"Where is room 111?"asked a group member.
"Follow me,"said Group 51's leader: Alvin, the chipmunk.

When Group 51 reached the room, the group had to play bowling with Group 67 and Group 75.
"C'mon guys, we can do this!"cried Alvin.
"I'm super bad at bowling," grumbled Lucy.
"You might not have to play," says Charlie Brown.
"I hope not,"mumbles Lucy.
They played bowling, and there was a tie between Group 51 and Group 75. The remaining two groups then rematched. Group 51 won with 102 points.
Group 51 then told Harry Potter that they won. He told the group to go to room 84. In room 84, Group 51 played Jeopardy! with Groups 22 and 37.
"We can do this," thought Doraemon.
"Let's do this!"yelled Alvin.
The groups' questions were really complicated. However, in Double Jeopardy!, the questions were easy, and 83% of Group 51 knew almost or all of the answers. Then, it was time for Final Jeopardy!. Group 51 was the only group that got the right answer, and their wager was the same amount of points they wagered: 44,000. In all, the group had 88,000 points in all!
Group 51 then went to room 44. They played Name that Song! with Groups 44 and 56.
"We will beat 44," said Alvin positively.
"Now they shall know who really is the champion," added Jeanette the chipmunk smugly.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Is it good to have a pet?

Have you ever wondered having a pet? You may think it is cool, but there could be trouble ahead. Maybe the pet is fun. Maybe it's crazy. Maybe it is annoying and keeps you from sleeping. If you want to have a pet, you'll have to have a lot of responsibility.

If you want to have a pet, you have to feed it. The pet also needs water because everything needs water to survive. You may need to know when to feed it: in the morning, afternoon, and/or evening. The owner of the pet needs to know how much food the pet needs. You have to take the pet a bath, which is water consuming.

The good thing about pets is that you can at least have some entertainment. You can introduce your pet to your friends. You can even teach them magic tricks. You can have fun with them, play with them, and show your pets some funny videos.

The bad thing about pets is that they may eat your homework. What if it has rabies? What if it gets sick? You'll have to take it to the pet hospital, and the line to check the pets there could be long. The pet also costs money. If you want to take it somewhere by plane, you will have to take it to the veterinarian, which means that you might want to get out of your house earlier.

The owner should have a pet if they are responsible and have the time to take care of it. He or she should also know that they must know what to do each minute with the pet. The owner should also need to know that what the pet needs the most.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

My Weird Brother

I have a two-year-old brother called Anthony. He is a weird kid because he only sings "Bob the Builder" and "Teletubbies." He actually used to like Thomas the Tank Engine, but now he doesn't for good. He even has an obsession of pandas. He is just some person that is weird no matter what.

When I say "hi" to him, he slaps me on the face, or he says "bye-bye" because he wants me to get lost for no reason. When he sneezes, he never covers his mouth. He really likes to play with my stuff, and put it somewhere, so I won't be able to find them. Sometimes, he copies me doing random movements. Somehow, he likes to chase me around with the broom.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Why is the Sky Blue?

Why is the sky blue? That is one of the most common questions asked. Maybe it is because it is from the reflection of the ocean? Maybe it just is?

Because blue waves are short waves, short waves are most easily reflected by dense dust and air particles in the air many many times.

 The real answer is on the link http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/blue-sky/en/.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Driest Year in California History: 2013

I haven't seen it rain that much this year in California. Have you? I feel like that if this year is dry, next year will be drier. I think it is because of Global Warming. In California, this year, 2013 is the driest year in California history. How can we prevent this from happening again? How can we prevent Global Warming? We can save energy such as lowering the temperature of the heater and air conditioner. There were two humongous fires: the Diablo fire and the Yosemite fire. Can we prevent fires from happening again?