Saturday, January 6, 2018

Book Review: 13 Gifts by Wendy Mass

Summary of the plot
Tara Brennan tries to make friends with some of the popular kids in her school, as long as she pulls a prank. The prank does work out very well because she gets caught by the principal. When Tara’s parents found out about this incident, they punish her by sending her to Willow Falls to be with relatives she hardly knows during the summer instead of going to Madagascar with her parents. Although Tara arrived at Willow Falls realizing that her phone, her mom’s ipod, and two hundred dollars have disappeared, she has been able to quickly make new friends with the kids in Willow Falls and has been able to get along well with her relatives. She also meets a mysterious store owner who wants Tara to collect thirteen unique items for her by her thirteenth birthday, or else there will be really bad consequences. The adventures Tara experiences take her and her new friends to places they had never expected before.
What I liked
One of the things I liked about the book is that there are secrets in the book. For example, the reason why Tara and her family moved around a lot was not because her mom got a new job, it was because a mysterious person known as Angelica D’Angelo kept tracking Tara’s mom down by sending mails to her about meeting Tara when Tara turned 13. Another thing I liked about the book is that when Tara went to Willow Falls, she was able to make new friends easily. This is good for Tara because her mom wants her to make new friends. Also, at first, Tara didn’t feel like she would like Willow Falls. After making friends, however, she was able to enjoy Willow Falls more.
What I didn’t like or how could the author improve the story?
One of the things I didn’t like about the book was that when Tara and her dad were walking in the hallway to the principal’s office, one of the girls Tara tried to be friends with mispronounced Tara’s name by calling her “Sara.” Her dad, however, unexpectedly smiled at that girl. This feels like an unusual reaction because a person usually ignores or gives an angry look to someone who has antagonized that person or that person’s friend or family member. Another thing I didn’t like about the book was when Tara’s parents decide that she stays with her aunt, uncle, and cousin instead of going to Madagascar for a summer trip just because Tara did a school prank. It feels like that punishment seems a bit harsh for Tara, since she is away from her parents for the summer. Usually, kids are with their parents when going on a trip to somewhere interesting.
What I think my reader should do (your recommendation). Should the reader read the book or not?

My reader should read the book because it allows him/her to become more independent. Being independent is an important life skill to have when becoming older. When reading the book, the reader gets to know how it is like being away from parents for a period of time. Also, the book allows the reader to experience personal growth. For example, Tara at first thought that she was not going to enjoy Willow Falls. Later on, however, she realizes that Willow Falls is not so bad after all because she is able to make new friends. This will allow the reader to know that things are not as bad as they seem to be.