Saturday, December 3, 2016

How A Good Teacher Should Be

Now that I'm in high school, I've noticed that a few of my teachers aren't very good.

Here are the main points on how a good teacher should be:

  • A good teacher should be nice and care about his/her students. If not, then his/her students will feel neglected by him/her. The students will also feel that the teacher isn't a moral person.
  • A good teacher should have a plan of what to do each class, and he/she should tell students what they'll do next class, or have an assignment sheet posted online (like my math teacher has this year). Two days ago, I was really upset that my PE teacher made me and my PE classmates run the mile because I can't believe that she didn't tell us before (which is why I got an 8:55). If she did tell us before, then I would surely be more prepared for the mile.
  • A good teacher would give out reasonable homework. In my science class, my science teacher gives out homework that will be about what will happen in the next class. This isn't good because I feel like I have to self-learn all these science topics, but I'm bad at self-learning. As a result, my science grade is horrible.
  • A good teacher should be reasonable. I don't like the fact that my PE teacher makes me and my PE classmates run two laps around the track in under 4 minutes and 30 seconds (but she used to say 5 minutes). I feel like that it isn't reasonable to run every PE class because other parts of physical fitness, like flexibility and coordination, are important too.
  • A good teacher should give out reasonable criticism. If a teacher gives out criticism to a student who actually can't do anything to fix it, then the student could show hatred towards his/her teacher.
  • A good teacher should have common sense. My mom and I don't like that my science teacher gives out tests but then collects them after viewing them for a while because my mom doesn't feel that I'm learning from my mistakes I made on my science tests. 
In conclusion, these are my main points on how a good teacher should be.